Welcome to Mad Collective! Here's What to Expect During Onboarding

Congratulations on your new role at Mad collective! We're thrilled to have you join our team. As you prepare to start, we wanted to give you a rundown of what to expect during the onboarding process. Well, maybe you won't join us yet, but you want to have a sneak peek of how our onboarding process looks like, then this post it's also for you. Our Onboarding Process: A Step-by-Step Guide Day 1 On your first day, if you come to the office, you'll start with a tour to get familiar with our space and facilities. If you start remote, we will do this office tour the first occasion you are around. Then, our IT team will contact you and help you get set up with your laptop, systems, apps, and access. Next, you'll attend a people session to learn ...

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Our ownership model

You all will agree that ownership is a trendy word lately in teams, management, etc... And it makes sense, since we all know it's a big driver to improving productivity, retention, and commitment from employees. But at the same time, ownership can have tons of nuances depending on the company and the culture, and it's not that easy to explain or transmit, it's like creativity, rather than trying to teach it, you better have the environment to spark it. Then, what does ownership mean in our Engineering department? It means moving from "it's not my code, it's not my responsibility" mantra, to, taking action in someone else responsibility for the best of the organization. It means taking the initiative to solve anything in the way we, as ...

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The Individual Contributor Progression Framework
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

About two years ago we started noticing (in 1on1’s, surveys, etc.) a growing interest in the progression possibilities from the people in the Engineering Department. Up to that point we always handled professional development ad hoc: when somebody was standing out in their job they were promoted, given a raise, or offered training and mentoring to progress further in their role. After several years, we had grown from 50 to 190 people and this was not enough anymore, people wanted to know what was expected from their role, what was needed to progress, and what options they had. We learned a while ago that when we face a challenge it rarely is something very specific to us and most of the time we find that many other companies faced similar ...

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