Welcome to Mad Collective! Here's What to Expect During Onboarding

Congratulations on your new role at Mad collective! We're thrilled to have you join our team. As you prepare to start, we wanted to give you a rundown of what to expect during the onboarding process.

Well, maybe you won't join us yet, but you want to have a sneak peek of how our onboarding process looks like, then this post it's also for you.

# Our Onboarding Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

# Day 1

On your first day, if you come to the office, you'll start with a tour to get familiar with our space and facilities. If you start remote, we will do this office tour the first occasion you are around. Then, our IT team will contact you and help you get set up with your laptop, systems, apps, and access. Next, you'll attend a people session to learn about our company culture, procedures, best practices, policies, and benefits. You'll also have a 1:1 meeting with your manager to discuss your role and responsibilities. Finally, you'll meet your buddy, who will be your go-to person for any questions you have during your first few weeks.

# Week 1

During your first week, you'll be introduced to different departments and teams, and you'll attend meetings and provide your input early on. You'll also get hands-on with our company's products and business workflows, including participating in hands-on sessions with peers and key product stakeholders, we will have some task ready for you. We'll check in with you every day to make sure everything is going smoothly, and your buddy will check in with you frequently as well. At the end of the week, you'll have a check-in with your manager to recap what happened and what to expect going forward.

# First 3 Months

Over the next three months, we'll assign you short-term goals to help you take ownership of your job responsibilities. You'll also have regular 1:1 check-ins with your manager (once per week usually) during this time. Before the end of your probation period, we'll have a 1:1 meeting with you to provide feedback on your overall performance, and you'll have the opportunity to share your own feedback with us. You'll also complete an Onboarding Survey to let us know about your experience during your first 3 months with our company.

# Why Onboarding Is Important to Us

At our company, we believe that a strong onboarding process is crucial to the success of our new hires. We want you to feel welcomed, supported, and informed as you start your new role, and we want to set you up for success from day one. We also believe that a good onboarding process helps us to retain top talent and build a strong, cohesive team. By investing in our onboarding process, we're investing in our future.

We hope this short post has been helpful in giving you an idea of what to expect during your onboarding process.

And let me finish this post with a shout-out to our People team for their outstanding work in implementing this process company-wide.

By the way, if by any chance you are looking for a job and you like how we work, we are always looking for good engineers. Check our open roles.